in Slovakia
Scientist in Slovakia
Under the Age of 35
in Slovakia
International jury
The ESET Science Award laureates are selected by an international jury comprised of world known experts from various scientific fields. Each year, the role of chair of the international jury is held by a Nobel Prize Laureate, and under their guidance the jury presides over the selection and then the awarding of the laureates.
The Envoys of the ESET Science Award are comprised of a group of scientists with a global reach. They represent the Award and its finalists and laureates internationally. Their aim is to spread worldwide awareness of science in Slovakia, of the exceptional scientists working in Slovakia, and to connect scientific institutions with each other.
Science and Innovation: Tackling Climate and Health Challenges
Nobel Prize laureate Emmanuelle Charpentier, introduced us to the world of gene editing technology, which has applications not only in medical research, but also in the creation of new medicines, crops more resistant to climate and environmental change, and many other applications. The discussion with Professor Charpentier took place at the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava and was moderated by Daniel Stach, a television professional, presenter of programmes such as Hyde Park Civilization and Veda24 on Czech Television.

Award Ceremony of the ESET Science Award 2024
The announcement of the ESET Science Award laureates is an annual celebration of science in Slovakia. The gala event was attended by representatives of the scientific community from Slovakia and abroad, ambassadors, and representatives of state institutions in Slovakia. For the second year, the event took place under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia. The laureates were announced in three categories: Outstanding Scientist in Slovakia, Outstanding Scientist in Slovakia under the age of 35, and Outstanding Academic in Slovakia. The event will be broadcast on October 10th at 20:10 on Dvojka.

The future of science is in the interdisciplinary efforts. We must turn down the walls between different disciplines and educate our future generation in the use of advanced technological tools and be aware of the foundational principles that govern our lives. This is what ESET Science Award is recognizing.
The promise of information technology was to bring detailed and safe information to everybody. In reality this is compromised by the intentional spread of false information and by attempts to do harm to users of information. ESET’s efforts, both as a company and through its award stand for safe and correct information, which is essential for progress in our times.
It was a great pleasure and honour to be asked to help support science with you. Thank you!
Science is an addictive and creative activity that requires inspiration and dedication. ESET Science Awards identify and celebrate people for whom science is the lifestyle and who contribute to progress of the society through research and discoveries. The ESET Science Awards define science achievements in Slovakia and delivers a very important message about the importance of science.
The ESET Science Award is a wonderful celebration of world-leading science and scientists, spanning different generations and different fields.
The ESET Science Award is a very visible appreciation of science and its role for the country.
It is really wonderful that with this award we celebrate science and the excellence of scientists.
Science is the basis for improving people’s lives and our society. The ESET Science Awards are important as they illustrate the excellent and most promising examples of research performed in Slovakia. It is a great privilege and honor to be on the jury for this award.
In challenging times like ours, scientists are building the base for a sustainable and healthy future. I am honored to support giving the well-deserved visibility to some of the brightest minds.