Doc. Ing. Andrea Šagátová, PhD., works at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and primarily focuses on nuclear physics and technology. In addition to pedagogical activities, she works on scientific research into the peaceful use of radiation. The results can be applied in many areas of life, such as health, the environment, industry and space, as well as art. Her specialization is her mission.
Dr. Šagátová, with her scientific team, focuses primarily on the development of semiconductor detectors of ionizing radiation and on the use of radiation. As part of her current scientific projects, she is developing the latest types of sensors for radiation registration. In practice, such sensors can be or are already being used, for example, to measure radiation in space, to perform patient X-rays more gently and accurately, or to detect counterfeits and confirm the originality of works of art. Her other area of interest is the application of accelerators in socially useful ways: for example, to sterilise medical equipment quickly and simply using radiation, to dispose of resistant chemicals in an environmentally friendly manner, or to save wooden artifacts affected by woodworm. These and many other areas will improve the application of accelerators in practice. An international project coordinated by CERN, in which she is involved, has the same objective.
The role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, which also supports the radiation treatment of materials, is also significant. Dr. Šagátová represents Slovakia in this matter. Among her most outstanding achievements is the development of a new type of sensor for pixel detectors, whose advantage is its enhanced resistance to radiation and high temperatures. She collaborated with the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava to develop the sensor.
Andrea Šagátová graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. After completing her engineering studies, she continued her doctoral studies when she started to teach and engage in research focused on radiation measurement. Andrea Šagátová is from Nová Dubnica and chose to study electrical engineering after being inspired by her father, who worked in the field. She didn't want to be a scientist when she was a child, but rather a teacher. In the end, however, she was inspired by her teachers during her university studies.
The most important feature that a good educator should possess, according to Šagátová, is the ability to explain. The teacher must have a good understanding of the issue but must also be able to deliver it in a way that others can understand. She also emphasizes the human approach. She tries to transfer these qualities into her pedagogical practice, perceives students' reactions, and follows their feedback. She feels fulfilled when her students understand what she is trying to explain.
Dr. Šagátová sees a fundamental need in Slovak education to emphasize the teaching of mathematics. She believes it develops logical and abstract thinking and is ultimately essential for the progress and development of society itself.
In her free time, Andrea Šagátová spends time with her family, playing sports, and appreciating art that uplifts her and helps her relax and regain new energy.